Discovery of the edible garden-forest:
Jean-Philippe Beau-Douezy
Who Should Attend ?
This course is aimed both at people wishing to discover permaculture, and at those already initiated who will be able to discover the basic principles of the edible garden-forest.
For 2 days, you will be introduced to theoretical knowledge and technical knowledge. You will be sensitized
to a pragmatic and sensitive approach, based on working together."
A base of theoretical knowledge and technical knowledge will be transmitted through
practical exercises and workshops. A sensitive and intuitive approach to matter,
of place and doing together will enrich and complete the pragmatic and rational approach
Participants will have the chance to discover and practice the garden-forests already implemented at the Eco-center of Bouchot for 6 years.
Training content
Program (non-exhaustive, non-linear schedule):
A) Introduction to permaculture and the agro-forestry garden
Principles of the agro-forestry garden
Management and maintenance of the garden-forest
B) Knowledge and interaction with the living
From soil to rhizosphere
Principles of ecological successions
Vegetable palette
C) Design of an agro-forestry system
Diagnosis of a field
Project steps and methodology (design)
Practical design workshops
Jean-Philippe Beau-Douezy:Ecologist and environmental consultant, is engaged
for 40 years in nature conservation. He is currently working on projects of
reforestation, on several continents, to fight against soil erosion, the loss of
biodiversity and water resources.
Certified in permaculture with Bernard Alonso.
Jean-Philippe created, with Anne, his wife the FARM of Bouchot in order to make known
and to teach knowledge and techniques that are part of a permaculture approach.
He implanted in Bouchot a forest garden in the form of a mandala of 2700 m3.
Jean-Philippe is also co-author of the book Neblina of fogs and scents.
Conscious participation courseorganized by the Séligonia association.
Meals: 12 euros, accommodation (in a shared room): 22 euros (sheets on request: 10 euros) Breakfast: 7 euros

Workshop organized by the association SELIGONIA